
BD Loops EZ Checker EZ Detector Checker

A testing device that stimulates a loop and fits in your hand. Easily troubleshoot faulty loop systems using the process of substitution. The E-Z Detector Checker tests the detector and harness wiring/circuit board it’s as easy as 1-2-3!



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SKU:EZ Checker
This item: BD Loops EZ Checker EZ Detector Checker

Quickly and easily troubleshoot a faulty loop system using BD Loops’ E-Z Detector Checker.
The E-Z Detector Checker is a fully functional loop that fits in your hand. Using the process of substitution you
are able to quickly check the Detector and Harness wiring of a loop system (the easy to replace parts first),
eliminating them as potential suspects before testing the loop. The loop is the hardest component of the
system to replace, this device allows you to pinpoint where the issue is in the loop system so that you can
diagnose loop systems quickly and with confidence. This compact device that easily fits inside your truck does
not require batteries and is incased in tough PVC for durability. Lead-in is also included with the device and is
stored in the back of the unit.



  • Self-contained compact design that puts a fully functional loop in the palm of your hand.


  •  LED light lights up when detector is properly powering the loop (If you are using a low power detector
    the LED light might flash, this is normal!)


  • Easy to push RED button that simulates Vehicle detection with a press of a button.
    Tests the easily replaceable parts of the system first, like the detector, harness wiring, and circuit


  • Checks the harness wiring from the detector to the loop terminals within the gate operator.
    Eliminates the inconvenience of taking up valuable truck space with a large supply of loop detectors.
    Makes it possible to discover problems with the detector circuit before spending time cutting in a new


  •  Increase your profits by reducing your servicing time and repeat service calls.


  • Great tool to do Factory QC of new operators that have pre-wired detectors.


  • No Batteries needed! It’s powered by the operator!
Unit is encased in a tough PVC shell. · Clip leads store in the back of the unit. · No batteries—unit is powered by the operator. · Quickly test the detector module, harness wiring, and circuit board loop connections with the press of a button. · Reduces the chance of cutting in a new loop when the real issue is the detector circuit or board.




Weight 2 lbs
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